Title : Argos: Revolution in the Non-Food Retailing

Authors : Jashim Uddin Ahmed, Tasfia Mazid, Asma Ahmed

Abstract : Argos, a leading catalog retailer in the United Kingdom, has created a revolution with its strategies in marketing, supply chain management, and capitalizing on technology in the day-to-day life of its consumers in the non-food retail industry. The case begins with an analysis of the current trends surrounding the global retail market and moves on to the retail industry in the UK, particularly in the non-food segment. The authors observe that technological innovations, using data analytics and artificial intelligence, and omni-channel approaches, with the help of digital innovations and hub-and-spoke distribution, are continuously changing the dynamic retail market. In the midst of it all, Argos, as a forward-thinking company, has embraced customer-driven strategies that enabled market penetration through fulfillment of the demands of modern-day consumers. In today’s world of continuous technological advancements, online shoppers want quick, convenient, and consistently reliable home delivery; the ability to choose between home and other points of pickup; a seamless link between e-commerce, mobile commerce, and physical stores; and a simple means of returning any product. Therefore, in order to survive in the increasingly competitive retail industry, it will be critical for Argos to continue developing innovative strategies that are reflective of the rapidly changing retail landscape and consumer behavior.

Journal : SAGE Business Cases Volume : Year : 2020 Issue :
Pages : City : Edition : Editors :
Publisher : ISBN : Book : Chapter :
Proceeding Title : Institution : Issuer : Number :