Title : UberEats: Playing it safe in Bangladesh

Authors : Tanya Ahmed, Looksina Khan

Abstract : The introduction, growth, and ultimate downfall of UberEats, an international online food delivery service in Bangladesh, is examined in this case study. UberEats had been in business for approximately one year before it agreed to shut down due to fierce competition from other companies that provided a superior customer experience and a more comprehensive range of offerings. UberEats left the market before it could even try it out for at least two years which is a considerable time-period for any company to check their survival capacity. UberEats opted not to extend its presence to new cities in the same way other online food delivery services did. While other competitors increased their scope of service and reach to other cities, the primary focus of UberEats was on being the market leader in the online food delivery industry. Hence UberEats chose to exit the Bangladeshi market where it was not successful in making a significant commercial impact. These findings indicate how UberEats failed to execute a viable approach for surviving in a competitive market, and it encourages students to consider the efficacy of various market entry strategies.

Journal : Sage Business Cases Volume : Year : 2022 Issue :
Pages : City : Edition : Editors :
Publisher : ISBN : Book : Chapter :
Proceeding Title : Institution : Issuer : Number :