Title : Determinants of overweight and obesity among urban school-going children and adolescents: a case-control study in Bangladesh

Authors : Mohammad Morshad Alam, Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader, Abrar Wahab, Md. Delowar Hossain, Shajeda Akter Nishat, Sanjana Zaman, Gias Uddin Ahsan

Abstract : Background:Childhoodoverweightandobesityisamajorpublichealthconcernallovertheworld.Overweight orobesechildrenhaveahigherriskofbecomingobeseinadulthoodandareathigherriskofassociatedchronic diseases. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors associated with overweight and obesity amongurbanschoolchildrenandadolescentsinBangladesh. Materials and methods: A case-control study was conducted among students aged 10–16 years in 10 schools of Dhaka city. A structured questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic information and students’ exposuretovariousriskfactors.DatawereanalyzedbyusingSPSS23. Results:Familyincome(p=0.000),mother’sweight(p=0.036),schoolactivity(p=0.046),totalphysicalactivity (p = 0.008), sedentary activities (p = 0.014), eating fast food (0.008) and cakes/biscuits (p = 0.018) were found aspotentialdeterminantsofoverweightandobesityofchildrenandadolescents.Amultiplelogisticregression revealed family income >50,000 per month [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 3.07, p = 0.001], no physical activity (AOR=38.3,p=0.004),morethan4hofsedentaryactivities(AOR=4.84,p=0.02),regularconsumptionoffast food(AOR=3.05,p=0.042)areriskfactorsassociatedwithchildhoodoverweight/obesity.Whereas,havinga normalweightmother(AOR=0.51,p=0.037)andeatingcakes/biscuitslessthan3daysaweek(AOR=0.33, p=0.02)werefoundasprotectivefactors. Conclusion:Findingsfromthisstudywillbeveryusefulforpublichealthprofessionalstoincreaseawareness regarding risk factors of overweight and obesity, in order to reduce the future burden of obesity-associated chronicdiseases.

Journal : International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health Volume : Year : 2019 Issue :
Pages : City : Edition : Editors :
Publisher : ISBN : Book : Chapter :
Proceeding Title : Institution : Issuer : Number :