NSU Research Contributions
Title : Enumeration of Potential Teaching Methods in Higher Education: A Cross-Disciplinary Study
Authors : Khalid mohiuddin, Mohammad Aminul Islam, Mansoor Sharif, Shakila Nur, Md. Shahrear Talukder, Mohammed Alghobiri
Abstract : In today’s multifaceted academic context, selecting, adopting, and adapting appropriate teaching methods (TMs) have been a pivotal concern for teachers. No study, to the researchers’ knowledge, has been conducted on compiling the maximum number of TMs in higher education. This study aims to list, describe, and provide a platform of the potential and the most practicing TMs in four major educational disciplines. This article, taking a cross-disciplinary lens, conducts an in-depth review of 90 articles and enumerates 110 TMs of higher education. It also identifies several TMs that are commonly used in each discipline. The article concludes that knowledge generated from this study fills up the existing literature gap. It calls attention to the current TM practices and provides teachers with an outline to employ available TMs in their respective disciplines.
Journal : Education Research International | Volume : | Year : 2020 | Issue : |
Pages : 1-17 | City : | Edition : | Editors : |
Publisher : | ISBN : | Book : | Chapter : |
Proceeding Title : | Institution : | Issuer : | Number : |